Out of all the cubes in my collection the stickered TengYun V2 holds a special place in my heart. This isn't my "best" or fastest cube but it's good enough to do everything I ask of it. I absolutely love the overall feel, the fluorescent stickers, the grip the edge of the stickers give, the absolutely insane flexibility, and even the sound is just so satisfying and quiet. I cannot overstate how comfortable I feel solving this cube.
It's an extremely forgiving cube that will stretch well past 4-blocks wide and still not have any serious issues. I really don't understand it because it really looks like it should fall to pieces with the way it can bend but I've never had it pop despite well over a thousand solves and hundreds of hours practicing algorithms.
Other cubes are great and all but since the moment I did my first alg on this thing it just felt like home. After 3 years this is still consistently the cube I pick up when I just want to relax and have fun. If I had to pick only one cube this is the one I couldn't live without.