Unfortunately there were problems with fit on my cube. The core and corner magnets glued into place just fine, but on reassembly the cube was obviously not right. On closer inspection, there was interference with the ball core and the new corner magnets. If you know 4x4 internals, there is a white medium-sized piece that extends from the core to just under the edge pieces. I had to remove a few 1/10s of a millimeter of plastic from all 12 of these in two places: where it met the core; and where it rubbed against the new corner-core magnets. Took a little work with a rat-tail file and a nail file, but I was able to finish in an afternoon.
It was worth the extra work. With the kit installed, my cube feels and behaves better. I am able to run it with lighter tensions, making it less fatiguing to solve. It holds shape and snaps into position slightly better now. The magnetic force is light but noticeable. IMO, ball-core big cubes is the next step.
It's just too bad this wasn't "plug and play", at least with this cube that was purchased in Nov 2021. Maybe on a brand new cube there wouldn't have been any problems. Were there different editions of the Auso WRM? I don't know. Anyway, if you don't mind (possibly) putting in a little elbow grease, it's a worthwhile upgrade.