Best Selling
QiYi QiMing S3 Pyraminx
QiYi QiMing S3 Pyraminx is an entry-level, smooth turning pyraminx that is great for beginners! The S3 features an enhanced "anti-stick" piece design to allow for even smoother turning and better lubricant distribution.
$ 6.95
QiYi Snow Mountain Pyraminx
QiYi Snow Mountain Pyraminx is a great option for new cubers and beginners! By reducing the colors from four to two, this is a much easier solve than the regular Pyraminx and helps to build an understanding of solving.
$ 6.95
DianSheng Solar S Pyraminx (Magnetic)
DianSheng Solar S Pyraminx Magnetic is the first pyraminx in the "Solar" series and adopts features that are loved by cubers. Key features Dual-adjustment system (6 settings) "Teardrop" piece design for smoother turning Overview Exposed magnet capsules Smooth, quick turning feel...
$ 14.95
YJ GuanLong Pyraminx V2
YJ GuanLong Pyraminx V2 is a solid choice for beginners looking for a lightweight pyraminx with snappy turning!
$ 5.95
Flame Pyraminx
Flame Pyraminx is a fun sticker modification to the traditional pyraminx. Complete the fiery flame on the faces and display this novel puzzle!
$ 15.95
QiYi QiMing Plus Max Massive Pyraminx 56cm (Magnetic)
QiYi QiMing Plus Max Massive Pyraminx 56cm Magnetic is ridiculously cool and turns very well since it is factory-magnetized and designed like a standard-size speed cube! Whether you are looking for a fun cube to solve or the perfect cuber...
$ 299.95 $ 185.99

Showing: 25 - 30 of 30

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