To be fair, I loved it at the unboxing.
It has a fresh take on the ledges which are unusually round. It gives the cube a nice look. It didn't affect my grip all that much since I have small hands anyway.
The problem is that the magnets are TOO STRONG. You could see it as a positive point for a one-handed 3x3. But they are WAY too strong, to the point that it's either self-regriping, either it overshoots. So you have to estimate the right amount of strength for each of your fingertrick move, which makes this puzzle a pain to speedsolve eventually. Each solve is a stuttering mess.
Even my non-magnetic 50mm Zhanchi from a 10+ years ago gives me better times than this mess of a design !
Now I am not stupid, I tried things to improve the situation, but here is the **** :
1) It has apparently no setup options...
2) ...because you can't even remove the sealed caps
3) and you can't disassemble the pieces either (tried both edges and corners, it's glued to death). No way to remove the magnets.
So basically, the MonsterGo Mini is a beautiful ferrari, with square wheels.
Buy it for educational purpose only. Don't seek speed.