Sticker Mods
Welcome to our Sticker Mods Cube collection at SpeedCubeShop! Elevate your cubing experience with our captivating selection of sticker mods. These innovative puzzles feature unique and eye-catching sticker designs that add a whole new dimension to your solving journey. From vibrant patterns and intricate graphics to personalized custom designs, our collection offers a diverse range of sticker mods to suit every cuber's style and preference. Whether you're looking to express your individuality, enhance your solving speed, or simply add a pop of personality to your cube, our Sticker Mods collection has something for everyone. Explore our curated assortment and discover the perfect sticker mod to elevate your cubing game today!
CONGRATULATIONS BETA-TESTERS! If you have this link. Then you saw the new Feight° Rainbow Cube before it's public launch! We would love your feedback and need short videos to promote Feight° on Kickstarter! Please reach out to the developers directly:"...
$ 19.99