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Step into the vast world of cubing with our All Products Collection at SpeedCubeShop. This expansive collection encompasses every puzzle, accessory, and tool we offer, from the latest releases to beloved classics. Whether you’re searching for something specific or just browsing for inspiration, our All Products Collection is your one-stop shop for all things cubing.
The SpeedStacks G5 Pro Timer is a fresh re-design of the immensely popular, SpeedStacks timer with tons of new features! New features: No more accidental timer resets! Both power and reset buttons must be held for a half-second before they...
$ 32.95
SpeedStacks G5 Speedcubing Mat connects exclusively to the G5 Pro Timer and provides a soft landing for your puzzles after a solve!
Size: 45cm x 28cm
$ 14.95
SpeedStacks Tournament Display Data Cable is used to attach your SpeedStacks Timer to the Tournament Display.
$ 5.95
SpeedStacks Tournament Display Pro (TD Pro) plugs into the SpeedStacks Timer and displays the solve time in large illuminated digits that are visible up to 100 feet away. This is the official display used in World Cube Association (WCA) Rubik's Cube...
$ 139.95