I really enjoy sitting down and solving a bunch of different cubes in a row. Great to relax with while listening to an audiobook or watching a show. Keeps my hands busy and allows me to focus. I got tired of carrying a bunch of cubes back and forth around the house manually, however. At one point I was stringing the individual cube bags over my wrists and getting laughed at by my husband! Fair enough, haha. He got me this backpack and I absolutely love it! The bottom portion is adjustable so you can give the right spacing for different sized cubes. It's padded and smooth to protect the cubes, and since they're zipped up safe in there I don't feel the need to individually bag them all. This makes it a lot easier to swap between cubes without constantly unbagging and rebagging them. I also don't have to memorize which cube is in which bag because they're so nicely on display in the backpack now instead. There is also space in the upper portion for whatever else you might need. I keep some of them in their hard cases up there, or larger cubes that don't fit well in the bottom. Very customizable! The design on the front is also very cute and colorful. It makes me happy to look at it. Lastly, I think the size is perfect. Not too big and not too small. No saggy oversized backpack feeling. No tiny bag you can't fit anything in. Very well done and at a great price too!