The BEST Timer of 2023 | GAN HALO TIMER

The BEST Timer of 2023 | GAN HALO TIMER

Jeremy Sheng Jeremy Sheng
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GAN recently released their GAN Halo Timer, a smart timer that's jam-packed with lots of cool features and customization options.


Although the GAN Halo Timer and the SpeedStacks G5 Timer both serve the same purpose of timing solves, there's a huge stylistic difference between them. The GAN Halo Timer has a sleek, modern appearance whereas the SpeedStacks has a strange shape and super vibrant colors.

Even the packaging of the Halo Timer has a very clean, minimalistic style, reminiscent of Apple's product packaging.


The price of the GAN Halo Timer comes in at $41.95 USD at SpeedCubeShop.

Before you decide whether the GAN Halo Timer is for you, let's look at some of its features because it's surprisingly complex for something as simple as a timer - it's extremely customizable, even as far as being able to change the lighting effects.


The GAN Halo timer has an auxiliary port to connect to a computer or external device as well as a microUSB charging port. A microUSB 2.0 cable is included with the timer as well. The timer has a long battery life of up to 42 hours, so you can either use the timer while it's plugged into a power source or use the rechargeable battery. 

When it comes to the functionality of the GAN Halo Timer, the prominent GAN button in the middle of the timer will be your best friend. Most of the functionality of the timer is accessed through this button.

One touch of the button turns on the timer, which then displays a basic timer layout along with a battery indicator. Additionally, there's a bluetooth logo in the bottom-left corner that shows the bluetooth status of the timer: a flashing symbol means that it's not connected, and a solid symbol means that it is.

Essentially, different combinations of long-pressing and short-pressing the button are used to access various features of the timer. You can view the date and time, cycle through your different solves, view your average of five, or delete your solve history. All of these functionalities and more are explained in the instructions manual included with the timer.

One really cool thing about this timer is that it works with the GAN ecosystem of their Cube Station app. The timer on its own can store up to 10,000 solve results, which is impressive, but you can also use bluetooth to connect the timer to the Cube Station mobile app to have unlimited storage of your solves. 

Note: If you import your solves from the Halo Timer to the Cube Station app, all of the solves except for the last five will be deleted from the timer afterwards. This isn't a big deal, but it's something to keep in mind if you value local data.


If customizable speedcubes weren't cool enough, now we have customizable timers!

As far as lighting and appearance goes, the timer can be configured to have different light colors for when you first place your hands on the timer, when the timer is ready to begin, and when you're actually solving.

"I have mine set up to a custom configuration of green and yellow... and while I'm actually solving, the outer rim will kind of pulse and, like, breathe and glow this nice green color."

Cameron Brown

The lights can also be configured to quickly flicker, similarly to how the SpeedStacks G5 Timer's LEDs flash. And if desired, the lights can be completely disabled to eliminate distractions while solving.

More features

Timer malfunctions are a significant issue on SpeedStacks G4 and G5 timers. GAN tries to combat this problem by freezing all the buttons on the timer for two seconds after a solve is completed. That way, if the cube lands on the button or something random happens that would reset the timer, your solve result is protected.

Another feature that GAN claims is that the timer is actually accurate to the thousandth of a second, whereas with the SpeedStacks G5, there's been some speculation that the third decimal is random. Whether that's true or not is debatable, but GAN claims that the time you see on their Halo Timer is exactly the time you got.

Additionally, the timer's compatibility with the Cube Station app isn't just for storing solves, it can also be used for other functionalities.

"In my opinion, if you're going to pick up the Halo smart timer, you really want to use it with the Cube Station mobile app. The Cube Station mobile app is always continuing to be improved, but it has had a little bit of hiccups and bugs, so if something happens, don't freak out. It's usually always rectified very quickly with a software update."

Cameron Brown

One particularly interesting feature is that the timer actually syncs with the app in real-time, so while you're using the timer, the app reflects what's shown on your timer display. 


The GAN Halo Timer is jam-packed with features and customizability, and it redefines what a timer can be. Although it can be overwhelming with how much there is to it, it's not that difficult and you can always reach out to SpeedCubeShop support if you have questions. 

"It can be as simple as a regular timer, or you can use the app and unlock all that cool functionality."

Cameron Brown

GAN Halo Smart Timer (Bluetooth) (2 Versions)

GAN Halo Smart Timer (Bluetooth) (2 Versions)

$ 31.95

GAN Halo Smart Timer (Bluetooth) is the most advanced speedcubing timer to date! Version comparison Smart Standard Halo Light System 90 sets of lighting effects + Customized lighting effects 90 sets of lighting effects Offline Results Storage 10,000 solves 5… >> SHOP PRODUCT <<

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